The Whizbang
Chisel Sharpening Jig

Chisel sharpening just went from being a lot of fuss and bother to no big deal. All you need is a basic belt sander and a Whizbang chisel sharpening jig. The whole process is explained in My YouTube Movie

Or, Click Here for a quick overview, with screen shots from the movie.

I've been using this jig and my unique procedure for grinding, honing and stropping chisels since 1993. Now I'm bringing the idea to the rest of the world via the internet.

Once you understand how remarkably simple and effective this chisel sharpening idea is, you'll want a Whizbang chisel sharpening jig of your own. And I'm going to help you get one. Here are 3 options... 

Option #1
Make Your Own Jig
I've made enough of these amazing little jigs to know the best way to get the job done. With that in mind, I have assembled an inexpensive 14-page specifications and instructions package. It has 49 step-by-step photos. All the how-to details are clearly explained.

This information is in a downloadable pdf format. Trust me when I tell you that this information package is worth the investment. I put a lot of hours into producing it. You won't be disappointed.

(click picture for a larger view)

Click the order button below to get this pdf tutorial. After you make the purchase, a pdf download link will automatically be e-mailed to you. 

IMPORTANT: You are not purchasing a paper hard-copy of these specifications. You are purchasing an electronic file that you download to your computer. You can then view it on your computer, and print a copy if you like.

If you have any problems with the download, contact me directly:

Availability: In stock. Ready to ship.
PDF Price: $4.99 On sale for only $3.99

Buy Now

Option #2
Complete Wood & Metal Parts Kit

This kit option, as pictured, includes all the parts you need to make your own sharpening jig. The jig body (made of red oak) is cut to size, and the 25-degree angle has been cut on one end. The bottom skis are also cut to size, and the holes in the aluminum plate have been drilled.

Important Note: The PDF tutorial for making the chisel jig (Option #1 above) is NOT included with this parts kit. While the instructions are not a necessity, they will make assembly of this kit a whole lot easier.

Another Important Note: I no longer ship this item to Canada, or any other foreign country.

Availability: Back in Stock as of 2/18/25. Supply is limited. I will not be making any more of these kits when this production run is sold.

Price: $16.95  (Plus $8.00 for shipping)


Option #3
Buy An Already-Made Jig

It really doesn't get any easier than this. I make these little beauties (pictured above) in my home workshop. They are ready to go to work right out of the box. And this tool should last you a lifetime (The first jig I made, and have used since 1993, still works just fine).

Make sure you watch my 20-minute YouTube tutorial so you know exactly how to put this jig to good use. 

Availability: Out of Stock. 

As of January 2020 I can not make enough of these to fill the demand, and I really don't have the time or machinery to produce them on the scale needed. I have sent a jig sample to a tool manufacturer (FastCap) to see if they would be interested in making these jigs out of plastic and selling them. No response. I'm open to suggestions from someone who might know of another company that would be interested in taking this idea to a larger audience ( Until then, the best I can do is provide the specifications and parts kits (above).

USA Price: 
$36.95 (Postage Paid)